Letter from Rev. Samuel Philipps to Martin Kemp 12 Sept. 1765

This is an angry letter written by the minister of the Lag Lane Congregational Chapel, Poole.

Rev. Samuel Philipps, and his supporters had been expelled from the Great Presbyterian Meeting House, Hill Street, Poole in 1760 due to bitter theological differences about the Trinity. They founded a new chapel in Lag Lane the same year.

Some of those who left with Rev. Philipps were co-founders of the former Chapel, and included some of Poole's most wealthy and influential individuals, Martin Kemp (a merchant) being one such.

Yet divisions had arisen between Rev. Philipps and Mr. Kemp (and others) about five years later, which were similarly bitter (as the letter shows) and ended in the minister being dismissed. The footnotes in the transcription provide more historical detail and a short list of books for those interested in finding out more.

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Last updated on 27 Nov 2019 - 14:27

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