Trade and Industry

Showing results 361 to 370 of 1528
Charter of Henry VI 1453

Charter of Henry VI 1453

Museum Ref No: DC-PL/A/1/6/1 and DC-PL/A/1/6/2
Charter of Henry VI 1453, held at Dorset History Centre (DC-PL/A/1/6). Charter granting the privilege of holding a market on Thursday and two annual fairs on the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James [1 May] and the seven days following and All Souls Day [2 Nov] and the following seven days, with the right to hold a court of Pie Powder to settle any disputes arising from the market or fairs. Associated documents: Letters patent (DC-PL/A/1/6/1); 19th Century translation of the 1453 Henry VI charter with contemporary amendments (Dc-Pl/A/1/6/2); Extract from a copy of the charter of Henry VI 1453, with a memoranda regarding the ownership of property, mentioning John Keynes, William Lapp, Thomas Hayward and Thomas Cudie on the reverse, accompanied by a modern transcription (DC-PL/A/1/6/3) Transcription of 19th Century translation by Marjorie Ellis, edited by Gary Edwards.

Charter of Henry VI 1453

Museum Ref No: PLA 942.337
History of the Borough and County of the Town of Poole by H. P. Smith, Poole, J. Looker Ltd., vol. 1 1948. Illus. Pages 193-195.
Charter of William Montacute 1371

Charter of William Montacute 1371

Museum Ref No: DC-PL/A/1/3/1 and DC-PL/A/1/3/2
Charter of William Montecute, held at Dorset History Centre (DC-PL/A/1/3). Charter confirming the Longspee Charter and also granting additional privileges including fines, such as defaults of assize of bread and amerciaments of measures, formerly paid to the lords of the manor, to be paid to the burgesses of Poole, with a contribution to the steward of Canford and an annual sum of 14s 2d to the Lord of Canford Manor; the portreeve to become mayor and the rights to gather fuel granted in the wastes of Canford and Poole. Associated documents: 1791 Latin copy with English translation by John Lester (DC-PL/A/1/3/2). Inspeximus of Arthur Plantagenet 1526, held at Dorset History Centre (DC-PLL/A/1/10), confirmed the details of the William Montacute Charter and in addition exempted the Major, Brethren, Bailiffs and Burgesses of Poole, and all their possessions and liberties by land and sea, from the jurisdiction of the Admiral of England. Transcription from 'History of the Town and County of Poole' by John Sydenham.
Clay miners

Clay miners

Museum Ref No: F7a_0052
Poole Pottery/Carters Pottery. Two workers in a clay pit
Clay mining

Clay mining

Museum Ref No: Bristowe1_161
Clay cutting at south Western Pottery clay pits. From the Ernest Bristowe collection.
Clay mining

Clay mining

Museum Ref No: Bristowe1_29
Clay mining at South Western Pottery clay pits. From the Ernest Bristowe Collection. Photograph by E. W. Ralph

Clean and Decent

Museum Ref No: T I 696.182
Clean and Decent, the fascinating history of the bathroom and the W. C. by Lawrence Wright, published by Book Club Associates and Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971. Illus. Pages 190, 200-1, 204, 251
Clem Andrews' corn seed and forage store

Clem Andrews' corn seed and forage store

Museum Ref No: F5a_0012
The front of Clem Andrews' corn, seed and forage stores; portrait photo; man standing in doorway; woman on left
Coal carrier "Speciality"

Coal carrier "Speciality"

Museum Ref No: F4g_0001
Everard collier "Speciality" discharging at Poole Quay by coal transporter, 1956. Frank E. Dodman.
Coal transporter

Coal transporter

Museum Ref No: F1b_0031
Coal transporter taken from Poole Gas Works. Donated with Jennings Pottery photographs.