Named People

Showing results 361 to 370 of 828

Hurdle, Martha

Museum Ref No: MAR 364.13309423
Baccy, Rum and Tea from Poole: an archive teaching unit on local smuggling compiled by A.J. Miller, published by Henry Harbin School, Poole, 1979. Pages 44-45

Hurst, WWII casualties at Dover

Museum Ref No: PHD 4 Hurst
Roy Hurst recalls his experiences at Dover during the Second World War. Recorded 2004
Audio video

Imported goods for sale, 1756

Transcription of entry in the Salisbury Journal of 8th November 1756. Poole in Dorsetshire. To be sold. At reasonable Prices by applying to Mr John Phipard, Cooper in Poole. - Good Old Coniac French Brandy, Duty Paid, in about Seven Gallon Casks, fine Seville Oil, Cadiz Cork, Russia Iron, Scotch Coals, Newfoundland Cod Fish, Train and Seal Oil.
iron and brandy 1756

iron and brandy 1756

Extract from the Salisbury Journal for 28/6/1756. George Tito advertises recently imported iron from Russia and brandy from France.
Jack Ridout's butcher's shop

Jack Ridout's butcher's shop

Museum Ref No: F5a_0041
Jack Ridout standing at the entrance to his butcher's shop in Canford Road; delivery men with horse and cart; his brother Dick's wife, Meg, is in the doorway; meat hanging outside shop and some piled on side and ground; 1930s
Jack Ridout's butcher's shop

Jack Ridout's butcher's shop

Museum Ref No: F5a_0040
Jack Ridout standing at the entrance to his butcher's shop, on the corner of Avenue Place and Lagland Street; meat hanging outside shop; other workers including man on a cart, 1930s
Jack Ridout's butcher's shop

Jack Ridout's butcher's shop

Museum Ref No: F5a_0039
Jack Ridout standing at the entrance to his butcher's shop, established 1840, in Market Street; the "Marble Slab"; meat hanging in the window, 1920s

Jack Spinney

Museum Ref No: SA 004 GMS - 20-11-79.mp3
Jack Spinney descibes the family washday in the years before WWI. Recorded 1979
Audio video

Jack Spinney

Museum Ref No: SA 004 GMS - 20-11-79 Spinney.mp3
Jack Spinney describes conditions at the workhouse in the years prior to WWI. Recorded 1979
Audio video
Jefferies memorial

Jefferies memorial

Museum Ref No: PEP 0470
Memorial to 2599227 Signalman H. Jefferies of the Royal Signals, who died on 8th February 1944, age 22. Poole Cemetery. Photograph P. E. Parker