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Showing results 1311 to 1320 of 10844
Boundary stone, Broom Hill, Hamworthy

Boundary stone, Broom Hill, Hamworthy

Museum Ref No: C_Hamwothy_0020
Boundary stone, Broom Hill, Hamworthy. Front view.

Bounds of Canford Manor

Canford Manor 1571 Description of the bounds included in a Survey of the lands of the Manor. The Perambulations and Bounds of the Manner of Canfford. “ Fyrste hyt begynnethe at Gallowe Poole nyghe to Rydlesforde and so as the dyche leadeth to Walfforde yn the East part. And from thence to a Stone nyghe unto Dyrley Chine yn the Moore upon a lytle bancke. And from thence as the Water runeth downe Durley cheine yn to the Sea. And from thence by the Sea to Northehaven fronte and so along by the Sea to Tyrland. And from thence to the stone yn Rushe Moor and so to the Stomped Crosse and from thence to Crechmear and as the Moore lyethe to the Weaste gate of Upton. And as the lane leadeth to the northe gate of Upton. And from thence as the Dyche runnythe to Cherwell water. And as the water runethe to Gyllynghame Mylle. And from thence along the Ryver to Julyans Brydge. And so to Allyns Brydge. And from thence to Holman Stubbe and from thence to the corner of the Lytle parke and to the northe parte of Breacke. And so downe to the Stower. And as the Stower runnethe to Rydlesforde where we began. Transcription based on a handwritten copy of the Survey prepared in 1897 for Lord Wimborne.
Bourne Vale Road, 1902 map

Bourne Vale Road, 1902 map

Extract from Ordnance Survey XL1V.10
Bourne Valley Road/Yarmouth Road

Bourne Valley Road/Yarmouth Road

Museum Ref No: Branksome_0002
Shop on junction with Bourne Valley Road and Yarmouth Road (demolished 12/12/1987).
Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Museum Ref No: Batting/Box 10/Clubs, Socials/No.5
Members at a celebration event of the Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club. (Batting photograph)
Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Museum Ref No: Batting/Box 10/Clubs, Socials/No.4
Members at a celebration event of the Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club. (Batting photograph)
Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Museum Ref No: Batting/Box 10/Clubs, Socials/No.3
Members at a celebration event of the Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club. (Batting photograph)
Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Museum Ref No: Batting/Box 10/Clubs, Socials/No.2 - Bmth & Poole All-Nations Club
Members at a celebration event of the Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club. (Batting photograph)
Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club

Museum Ref No: Batting/Box 10/Clubs, Socials/No.1 - Bmth & Poole All-Nations Club
Members at a celebration event of the Bournemouth and Poole All Nations' Club. (Batting photograph)
Bournemouth Car No.6

Bournemouth Car No.6

Museum Ref No: AH_Trams
"Bournemouth car no.6 on route to Poole"; Postcard of a tram on the way to Poole, by Pamlin Prints, Croydon. From the Andrew Hawkes collection.